Over the last two weeks, we have enjoyed the time that we spent reflecting on the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His sinless life and obedience in death made salvation possible for all those who place their faith in Him. This week we will move back into the book of Colossians, and continue working through family roles to the glory of God. We have seen the high calling for husbands, wives, and even children. Now we come to the specific role of parenting in the Christian home. What responsibility do parents have with regard to raising their children? What are the priorities, and how do those conflict with the priorities in unbelieving homes? Are there practical tools that God has given us to help in this task? As always, we hope that you will let us know how we can pray for you and come alongside you. If you have any questions, reach out and let us know!
Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:21