Living as Lights, Part 3

Living as Lights, Part 3

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we are so thankful that you continue to participate in our live stream services, prayer times, youth gatherings, and the countless other ways that fellowship still takes place when we are physically separated. This week we will move back into Matthew 5 and continue to look at what it means to live as lights in a dark and dying world. Jesus has been dealing with the law and instructing his disciples on the intent that was always present; that the people of God would mirror the character of God. We have come to the section that will deal with our vows and our vengeance. How do we think through what we promise to do, and why does it matter? How are kingdom citizens to react when they are wronged, and how does our relationship to God impact that response? We hope that you will reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you might have. Know that we are praying for you, and that we are ready to come alongside you and help to meet needs that you face. We hope to see you in person again very soon!

Let what you say be simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’; anything more than this comes from evil. Matthew 5:37
Click here for this week’s sermon notes and small group questions.


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