Sweeter than Honey; More Precious than Gold

Sweeter than Honey; More Precious than Gold

This week, many people will be making the final preparations before the start of another school year. It means backpacks, paper, folders, pencils, and brand new textbooks. Over the course of the year, students will spend hours reading and re-reading to prepare for classes, quizzes, and tests. This week, like every week, most of us will carry a book to church with us. So what makes the Bible different from any other book? What gives it value that far surpasses even the most practical and relevant school textbook? The short answer is that the bible is more than a book of stories, information, and facts. The Bible is the word of God. And because it has God as its ultimate author it is not only true, but completely relevant and absolutely authoritative when it speaks. This week we will look at Psalm 119; 176 verses devoted to delighting in the Word of God. Let’s be reminded together of the surpassing value of the Bible that we often take for granted. Please let us know how we can be praying for you, or if there are any questions that we can answer.

Deal bountifully with your servant,
that I may live and keep your word.
Open my eyes, that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law.
Psalm 119:17-18


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