Sermons on Scripture
The King’s Testing
As we come together to worship, we hope that you are encouraged in your walk and challenged to live a life of submission and obedience to Christ. This week, we will begin to open up Matthew chapter 4. The King has been presented and the Father has testified that this is the beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Now, it is time for the King to be tested. Jesus is led…
The Essentials: Relationship
Last week we began to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of Chapel City Church. When Jesus Christ called and saved His church, He left her with a mission to work at until His return. We are a people who are called to make disciples, but we have to understand what that looks like. In our mission statement, we are reminded that we are to be a people who…
Sweeter than Honey; More Precious than Gold
This week, many people will be making the final preparations before the start of another school year. It means backpacks, paper, folders, pencils, and brand new textbooks. Over the course of the year, students will spend hours reading and re-reading to prepare for classes, quizzes, and tests. This week, like every week, most of us will carry a book to church with us. So…
Transformed from Hunger to Satisfied
Click “SAVE” above to download sermon and notes. Every person is working for something, looking for something, or hoping for something to satisfy their strongest desires. Jesus tests and challenges every desire and each method we undertake to find satisfaction. He wants us to choose Him because anything less just won’t satisfy. This Sunday we study the…