The Kingdom is Like… part 1: The Purpose of the Parables

The Kingdom is Like… part 1: The Purpose of the Parables

. This week we will move into Matthew 13. In the same context as the opposition of the religious leaders and the warnings to the crowds, we are introduced to the next major teaching portion of the gospel. This time, Jesus will address the crowd with a series of parables about the Kingdom of God. But before we can understand these stories that tell us what the kingdom is like, we have to understand what a parable is and why Jesus used them. These brief stories will ultimately reveal kingdom truth to some and obscure it from others. We hope that you will reach out if you have any questions, and that you will let us know how we can be praying for you during this time.

Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

Matthew 13:10-12


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