Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. So far in Matthew 17 we have gone up and down the mountain with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. They have seen the glory of Christ revealed as Jesus was transfigured and the voice from heaven proclaimed that he was the Beloved Son. Last week we saw the disciples struggle to put together the pieces of information that they wrestle with. How do the glory and rejection fit together, and where is Elijah in all of this? Because we are limited by our very nature, there will always be things that we don’t understand and don’t see clearly. But we know the One who holds all things in his hands. And so the object of our faith drives our faithful response. Do the disciples have faith enough to respond rightly, even when Jesus isn’t there? If their faith is lacking, what happens? We hope that you will reach out to us with any questions that you might have, or let us know how we can be praying specifically for you during this time.