Why Are We Here? The Mission of the Church

Why Are We Here? The Mission of the Church

Happy New Year, and welcome to Chapel City Church. Our prayer is that you had a wonderful Christmas holiday that allowed you to rest and remember God’s faithfulness to his promises. The New Year is a time for reflecting on the year that was, and planning for the year to come. Many of us will make resolutions about what we will eat, where we will go, or how active we will be. This is also a good time for the church to reflect. Why do we exist? What has God called us to be and do? How do we move toward obedience in those things? To start off our year, we are going to work through the mission of the church and prayerfully dedicate ourselves to pursuing what God has called us to as we move into 2022.

In him we have redemption 
through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, 
according to the riches of his grace.

Ephesians 1:7


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