Sermons on Mission
Why Are We Here?
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are on the threshold of another year, and it’s a wonderful time to consider all that God has done for us. Through joy and sorrow, plenty and need, he has sustained and provided for us as individuals and as a church. But what does it mean to be a church? What are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to be? As we step into 2024, we…
The King’s Commission
Good morning and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. Whether this is your first time or your church home, we hope that you are encouraged in your faith and challenged to live in obedience to Christ! Today we will come to the end of Matthew’s gospel. For over two years, we have been exposed to the truth of who Jesus Christ is. He is the…
Why Are We Here? The Mission of the Church
Happy New Year, and welcome to Chapel City Church. Our prayer is that you had a wonderful Christmas holiday that allowed you to rest and remember God’s faithfulness to his promises. The New Year is a time for reflecting on the year that was, and planning for the year to come. Many of us will make resolutions about what we will eat, where we will go, or how active we…
The Essentials: Outreach
We have been working through the mission of our church, and the priorities that must be in place if we are going to carry out that mission. If we say that we are calling all people to receive, demonstrate, and declare God’s transforming grace through Jesus Christ, then we have to have a biblical understanding of what that will look like. We have worked through the…
The Essentials: Discipleship
We are in the middle of a series of messages that work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. Sometimes, the things that we do as a church seem disconnected. Our core values are the things that should tie all of them together. This week, we will look at the third of our core values: discipleship. If we judge by their actions, many church members…
The Essentials: Generosity
As we move into the Fall season, we have begun to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. It can be difficult to connect those things and to understand why they matter. Essentially, our mission tells us why we are here, our core values tell us what is important to us, and our strategies show us how to move forward. This week we will look at…
The Essentials: Relationship
Last week we began to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of Chapel City Church. When Jesus Christ called and saved His church, He left her with a mission to work at until His return. We are a people who are called to make disciples, but we have to understand what that looks like. In our mission statement, we are reminded that we are to be a people who…