Sermons on Wisdom

Sermons on Wisdom

Truth for Trials, part 2

Welcome to Chapel City Church. This week we will continue to work through what James reminds his readers about suffering. We have seen the call to respond joyfully, to think rightly, and to ask for wisdom in times of need. We have also seen God’s promise to faithfully supply that need when we ask in faith. But how should we think about ourselves in times of testing?…

Truth for Trials

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will begin to work through the first chapter of the Book of James. In his opening call, James asks his readers to do something that many consider impossible- they are to consider their trials as opportunities for joy. Living in a fallen world means that Christians will face difficult things. Some of those tests and trials come…

Wait for the End

Welcome to Chapel City Church! One of the most difficult aspects of following Jesus Christ is waiting patiently in hope for wrongs to be made right, for justice to be served, and to see with our eyes that God’s plan and timing really are the best.  Are you ever discouraged when wicked men lie, cheat, and steal their way to success?  Have you wondered how a good God could…

Temporal VS. Eternal

Once again we have been reminded of how quickly things can change, and once again we are presented with the opportunity to trust God is and will continue to do what is best. Change is always difficult, but it has a helpful way of exposing where our real priorities are. Am I seeking obedience, am I living in faith and faithfulness, or am I living for self? As we move…

Which Way?

We have come to the end of another school year, and we have come to the end of our study in the Book of Colossians. For the next few months, we will be working through the Psalms on Sunday mornings. As we study the praise songs of God’s people, we are going to be reminded of why they are so relevant, instructive, and comforting even today. The Psalms remind us that…

The Call to Prayer & Proclaim

As we move into the last chapter of Colossians, we are going to see Paul revisit a topic that he brought up earlier in the letter. In Colossians 1, Paul told the believers in Colossae that he was praying for them, and that his highest hopes were for their spiritual growth. Now, as he closes the letter, he will ask for their prayers on his behalf. As we read his request,…

Thanks on Display

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) Prayer is the right response when we are faced with impossible tasks beyond our capabilities. Daniel 2:1-23 tells of just such a challenge to a group of young men who had pledged themselves to God. They prayed and God answered. But rather than running ahead with the answer they stopped, gave thanks, and…