Sermons on Righteousness

Sermons on Righteousness

Armor for the Invisible War

While we are not called to obsess about spirits and demons, the Scriptures are clear that as Christians we have a real enemy and a target painted on our backs. We are in grave danger if we march onto the battlefield of life unaware or ignoring the fact that we have a devious enemy whose ultimate goal is our destruction. It is important to understand who the enemy is, what…

Righteousness Revealed

Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we gather together for our time of corporate worship, we also want to know how we can be praying for you as an individual or a family. If there is a need that we can surround with prayer, or perhaps even come alongside in a practical way, please reach out and let us know. A great way to do that is by filling out the connection card…

Correction & Kindness

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we close the book of Amos, we are going to see the fullness of God’s justice and mercy. Because he is holy, sin must be dealt with. Amos takes us through the failures of Israel as they refuse to submit to what God has called them to be and to do. They do religious things, but their god…

Prophetic Pictures

This week we will continue our journey through the book of Amos as we study chapters 7 and 8. By this point, we know that the minor prophets in general have a lot to say about judgment. But it can be easy to focus on the judgment and forget the tremendous mercy of God. As the Lord gives Amos a series of visions, he demonstrates both his patience and his justice. Israel…

The Exchange

Thank you for joining us this evening. Good Friday gives us the opportunity to slow down and reflect in the middle of a busy season of celebration. We were made in the image of God and designed for fellowship with him. But sin broke that relationship. We stood as enemies of God, anticipating not only physical death, but judgment and separation from him for eternity. For…

Coming into the Kingdom

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship this morning. We are moving back into Matthew 19 where the focus turns to the coming kingdom. Jesus has preached about the kingdom that is to come, and the need for repentance. The people have expectations for what that kingdom will look like, and who will enter into it. But who…

Righteousness Revealed in the Gospel

Happy Reformation Day!  October 31 is a day to commemorate the mighty work of God where the light of the true gospel burst forth into the darkness of the medieval Europe.  Hundreds of years of man-made beliefs, traditions, and ceremonies obscured the plain teaching of the Bible, resulting in a corrupt church and fearful people, having no hope and…

A Tale of Two Kings

As we come into Matthew 14 this week, we are faced with a scene of utter wickedness. We are given a flashback that tells us of the fate of John the Baptist, the promised forerunner of the Messiah. What happens to the man that Jesus called the greatest one ever born? How does his death fit in with the theme that Matthew has been developing for the last few chapters? And…

Real Righteousness: Prayer

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thrilled to be able to begin thinking through what it looks like for us to be able to gather again in person on Sunday mornings. We recognize that it will be a long road to get back to “normal,” but we know that the Lord directs and oversees every step of the process. We hope that whether you worship with us in…

Living as Lights

We are so glad that you are worshipping with us during these difficult times. Although we weren’t able to celebrate Easter in a way that seemed “normal,” our prayer is that you were encouraged to worship in light of what God has done to redeem us, and to anticipate not only our time of coming together again, but even more so to long for HIS coming! This week,…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…Part 3

We are glad that you are worshipping with us, perhaps in a very different format than we are used to. This week will be the final sermon that deals with the beatitudes at the beginning of Matthew 5. As he opens up the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives certain attitudes and actions that are pronounced “blessed” by God. While they might not fit into our…
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