Sermons by Jim Larson (Page 7)

Sermons by Jim Larson (Page 7)

Hold the Line

HOLDING THE LINE, staying the course, finishing well are phrases in our vocabulary because it is so tough to do. Examples are all around us of people who started out well in life, in marriage, in faith, or in so many other endeavors but got tripped up. Sunday Paul challenges Timothy (and us) to stay the course and gives us resources to do so. Be here for this great…

When the Bible Isn’t Your Friend

A hard church in the middle of a hard society is left in the hands of a young pastor. What is he to do? He needs real guidance just to survive! Paul, a wise mentor tells Timothy – and us – how we can not just use the Bible, but how we can use it well. At this important time in the life of Chapel City Church, we stop to remind ourselves of what’s…

Building an Album of Faith

In our message time we’ll remember that a single smell, an errant sound, or a forgotten picture can transport us back to a long-forgotten, far-away place and unlock a treasure trove of memories. We’ll consider the biblical concept of remembering and how having a personal album of faith can deepen our experience with God.

Spiritual Housecleaning

We sometimes walk into our garage and see it through fresh eyes. How did we gather so much clutter that is choking our space? It’s too bad that we don’t have that revelation more often when it comes to our spiritual lives. We’ve gathered so much spiritual junk that it’s hard just to get through the day with a positive attitude, let alone lead productive lives. Sunday we…

The Path to Freedom

This weekend our thoughts turn to our country’s most fundamental statement of freedom 240 years ago. Freedom is one of our greatest values but is too often misunderstood. We listen to the truth of Jesus when he said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Sunday we look at that reality to see what it means, how we are still enslaved, and…

What’s Holding Me Back?

Sunday will be a time to reignite our passion for Jesus Christ as we see four followers of Jesus declare their faith in him through baptism in the second service. Our morning will be given over to this important demonstration of God’s grace through Acts 8:26-40 and Romans 6:1-4. If you’re usually at the first service, hang around for the baptisms at the top of…

Why Communion?

Sunday will be a time to remember the Lord through the communion and to look into the Word to remember why we remember. As we look into 1 Corinthians (linked above) it will be a great opportunity for unbounded worship and praise for the gift that Jesus gave to us. For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was…