Sermons on Maturity

Sermons on Maturity

Essentials for Spiritual Growth

We are so glad that you are joining us for our time of worship this morning. As believers, we know that we are saved when the gospel call transforms our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. At a particular moment in time, we are made new creations in Christ. But from that time on, we are involved in a constant process of growth and maturity. We learn more about the God…

The Strategy: Grow

This week, we are continuing to look at our “strategies;” those things that help us practically evaluate whether we are being faithful to our calling. This Sunday we will look at growth in the Christian life. We are being faithful when we foster an environment that leads to lives transformed by God through increasing love, knowledge, and obedience to His word. But…

The Folly of Man-Made Religion

Today, we will begin by going back to the last two verses of the passage from last week. These two verses are the pivot point of the book and are worth a second look. Last week, Matt talked about the results we should see in our lives because we have received Christ Jesus as Lord. This week, we will focus on the truth that Jesus is enough for us. We don’t know all the…

A Pastor’s Burden for His People

As we move into the second chapter of Colossians, Paul’s focus doesn’t seem to change much from what we learned about last week. He has talked about his ministry to the church, and what some essential characteristics of that ministry are. This week, we will look at the first 7 verses of chapter 2 and hear what Paul’s ministry works towards. If last week…

Praying for God’s People

As we move into the book of Colossians, we are going to be brought face to face with the glory of Jesus Christ. Paul writes to a church that was being bombarded by worldly philosophy and man-made religion. And into the spiritual confusion he shines a brilliant light on the person and work of Jesus Christ and the nature of the gospel. It would have been a comforting and…