Sermons on Redemption
The Suffering Servant
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. Last week, Dr. Behle helped us understand the reality of the cross of Christ. The gospel message continually reminds us that sin has a cost, and that by the grace of God Christ defeated death so that we might live. However, something changes roughly three hours into the crucifixion.…
The Peril of Spiritual Pride
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you’ve joined us for our time of corporate worship today. If you have any questions or specific items that we can pray for, please reach out and let us know. This week we will move on in Matthew 26 and look at the danger of spiritual pride. The disciples are still struggling to understand all that…
The King’s Condemnation
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thankful that you have come to worship with us today. We want to know how we can be in prayer for you, or if there are needs in your life or the lives of those you know that we might help meet. Please reach out to us and let us know how we can come alongside you. This week we will finish Matthew 21. The religious…
The King’s Design for Marriage, part 3
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we work through Matthew 19, we are thinking through the King’s design for marriage. The Pharisees challenge Jesus with regard to divorce, but he directs their attention back to a right understanding of marriage. From the beginning, God has designed marriage to be a lifelong covenant between one man and…
Who is God & What is Man?
When we studied Psalm 19, we were confronted with the fact that God has revealed to us what He is like. His creation speaks to His power and glory, and His word reveals His character, His ways, and His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. This week, we are going to work through Psalm 8. When we understand God, even in the limited way that our finite minds can…
The Folly of Man-Made Religion
Today, we will begin by going back to the last two verses of the passage from last week. These two verses are the pivot point of the book and are worth a second look. Last week, Matt talked about the results we should see in our lives because we have received Christ Jesus as Lord. This week, we will focus on the truth that Jesus is enough for us. We don’t know all the…
All the Fullness of God
We are moving through the book of Colossians, and we have titled our study “Living in Light of the Glory of Christ.” Paul writes to the church in Colossae because they have been exposed to a dangerous false teaching. People have come to them with a message that sounds spiritual, that is packaged as Christianity, but that has departed from the true message of the…
Praying for God’s People
As we move into the book of Colossians, we are going to be brought face to face with the glory of Jesus Christ. Paul writes to a church that was being bombarded by worldly philosophy and man-made religion. And into the spiritual confusion he shines a brilliant light on the person and work of Jesus Christ and the nature of the gospel. It would have been a comforting and…
In It For the Long Haul
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) When you’re really challenged by persecution or by the circumstances of life itself, your world tends to get smaller and you start to panic. Sunday we look at 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 to see a real alternative to crisis-centered thinking that rivets our eyes only on the storm. It’s…