Sermons on Judgement (Page 2)

Sermons on Judgement (Page 2)

Dealing Daily with Difficulty

As we come together on this Fiesta week, we hope that you will be in prayer for our outreach to the community as we open our building, or that you will come and serve alongside of us as you are able. But why do we do these things? Why do we bother to interact with our neighbors, our co-workers, or our community at all? The reason, of course, is that we believe that they…

The Once & Future King

As we move through the summer, we will encounter several different kinds of Psalms. We began with Psalm 1, which is a wisdom Psalm. Last week, we studied Psalm 2 which is a messianic Psalm. These Psalms have meaning and context in the time that they were written, but they ultimately point to Jesus Christ for their fulfillment. This week we will look at another messianic…

Transformed from Death to Life

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) In a week where we set aside time to be thankful, we want you to know that we are thankful for YOU! If you are a visitor, thank you for making time to worship with us. If you have any questions about who we are or what we do here, then we would love to connect with you. If you are a regular attendee or…

Transformed from Blindness to Sight

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) The past week or so has been a difficult time for many of us. We have seen tragedy and terror strike close to home. We have seen fires and all of the uncertainty that comes with natural disaster. And yet, as we saw last week, we are called to be a people who are faithful rather than fearful. That kind of…
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