Sermons on Sacrifice
Anticipating the Advent: The Gift of Love
Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church! As we draw closer to Christmas, the anticipation is building. Some are anticipating time with family and friends, some giving and receiving gifts, and some are waiting expectantly for a break from work or school. As Christians, we know that we are not only waiting to celebrate the first…
When Worldviews Collide
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us today for our time of worship. As we continue working through Matthew 20, we are going to be confronted with two very different worldviews. We know that as disciples of Christ, we are supposed to think and react differently than others. However, many times our thinking looks a lot like the world around…
The Strategy: Serve (part 1)
We have spent the fall season working through our church mission, values, and strategies. This has been an important season as we are called to be a people who are of one mind, united in our purpose. We need to understand who we are, where we are going, and how we will get there. We are now coming into our final strategy- serve. This is a big topic and we will take a…
The Essentials: Discipleship
We are in the middle of a series of messages that work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. Sometimes, the things that we do as a church seem disconnected. Our core values are the things that should tie all of them together. This week, we will look at the third of our core values: discipleship. If we judge by their actions, many church members…
The Essentials: Generosity
As we move into the Fall season, we have begun to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. It can be difficult to connect those things and to understand why they matter. Essentially, our mission tells us why we are here, our core values tell us what is important to us, and our strategies show us how to move forward. This week we will look at…
The Once & Future King
As we move through the summer, we will encounter several different kinds of Psalms. We began with Psalm 1, which is a wisdom Psalm. Last week, we studied Psalm 2 which is a messianic Psalm. These Psalms have meaning and context in the time that they were written, but they ultimately point to Jesus Christ for their fulfillment. This week we will look at another messianic…
Family for the Glory of God, Part 2: HUSBANDS
Our highest goal here is to worship God in all that we do. When we understand who He is, when we understand who we are, and when we understand what He has done, our only right response is to offer Him the worship that He deserves. And that worship isn’t limited to the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. Rather, it encompasses every area of our lives. It will…
Jesus Comes for Us
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) Opinions on what Jesus does for us abound in our day and age. You can find out how to lose 50 pounds on the Jesus Diet, see movies that try to tell us who God is, and in SoCal, you can find almost any brand of belief you can think of that carries Jesus’ name. Over the next few weeks we’re going…
Being a Living Sacrifice
Malachi 2-3 is all about saying one thing and doing another. It’s not supposed to be that way yet we’re ready to give it all for God until it costs us something. We try to hold onto our statements while we explain away our actions. God calls on Israel (and on us) to give our best, not our leftovers. That means that we become the sacrifice to God with a life…
Restoration through Worthy Sacrifice
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) Sunday we open up Malachi 1 as we begin a two-part series on this important book. Like Israel of old we wonder if God really loves us. God’s abundance seems to be replaced with a new normal of frustration and depression. We don’t ask ourselves if our give-back to God has started to…