Sermons from February 2019

Sermons from February 2019

Putting Our Theology into Practice

What does it mean to worship, and what are the ways that we are called to worship? Perhaps most of us hear the word and immediately think of the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. And that certainly is one aspect of our worship. But really, to worship is to recognize the honor, merit, or value of something. When we worship, we recognize and respond to the greatness…

The Folly of Man-Made Religion: Part 2

We are moving through the heart of the book of Colossians. The foundation has been laid, and Paul has made it clear that in Jesus Christ believers have everything that they need. Now, as we move through chapter 2, he begins to address the dangerous false teaching that was creeping into the church in Colossae. What are some of the characteristics of that false teaching?…

The Folly of Man-Made Religion

Today, we will begin by going back to the last two verses of the passage from last week. These two verses are the pivot point of the book and are worth a second look. Last week, Matt talked about the results we should see in our lives because we have received Christ Jesus as Lord. This week, we will focus on the truth that Jesus is enough for us. We don’t know all the…

A Pastor’s Burden for His People

As we move into the second chapter of Colossians, Paul’s focus doesn’t seem to change much from what we learned about last week. He has talked about his ministry to the church, and what some essential characteristics of that ministry are. This week, we will look at the first 7 verses of chapter 2 and hear what Paul’s ministry works towards. If last week…