Sermons from 2019

Sermons from 2019


We are glad that you are here to worship with us today. We have come to the end of another year. Most of us had plans and goals that we wanted to see accomplished in 2019. Some of them happened, and it’s likely that some of them did not. As we look forward to 2020, what kinds of things should we prioritize in the coming year? There are a thousand different things…

Prepare Him Room: LOVE

We are glad that you have come to worship with us this morning. For those of you who call this home, we are so thankful for you. Your fellowship, your ministry, and your love for one another are some of the greatest earthly gifts that God has given us. For others of you, Christmas and church just seem to go together. Maybe you are here for the sake of tradition, or maybe…

Prepare Him Room: Joy

As we continue to “Prepare Him Room” during this advent season, this week we look at the joy that comes in the promise of a savior. As we have done the last couple of weeks, we will take a promise made in the Old Testament and understand how it relates to the Christmas season. When Isaiah speaks of hope, peace, and joy, he does so in a specific context. It’s…

Prepare Him Room: Peace

We are moving through our Advent series called “Prepare Him Room.” Last week we lit the candle of hope and remembered the hope that comes from the faithfulness of God. He promised a redeemer and king over His people, and that promise finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. This week, we light the candle of peace. We live in a time where peace is a hard thing to come…

Prepare Him Room: HOPE

Ready or not, Christmas is coming quickly. Sadly, most of the time we come into the season less ready than we should. We know the story, we know the songs, and we even know that the crazy isn’t what it’s all about. But we still struggle to really prepare our hearts for the celebration that Christmas ought to be. Perhaps that’s where you find yourself…

The Grateful Samaritan

We’re glad you’re here to worship with us this morning. We’re entering into a season of holidays that can be uplifting and spiritually rewarding, or they can be just another tradition. We want to pour real meaning into Thanksgiving and make it a part of our lives. We’ll see today how sincere gratitude reflects the heart of people who are being…

The Strategy: Serve (Part 2)

This week marks the conclusion of the sermon series that we started in September. Over the course of these last two months, we have looked at the vision, core values, and strategies of the church. Essentially, we are trying to communicate the reason that we exist and the practical steps that are necessary to carry out that mission. Last week, we looked at service and what…

The Strategy: Serve (part 1)

We have spent the fall season working through our church mission, values, and strategies. This has been an important season as we are called to be a people who are of one mind, united in our purpose. We need to understand who we are, where we are going, and how we will get there. We are now coming into our final strategy- serve. This is a big topic and we will take a…

The Strategy: Grow

This week, we are continuing to look at our “strategies;” those things that help us practically evaluate whether we are being faithful to our calling. This Sunday we will look at growth in the Christian life. We are being faithful when we foster an environment that leads to lives transformed by God through increasing love, knowledge, and obedience to His word. But…

The Strategy: Connect

We are coming into the second week where we are thinking through our church strategies. The mission statement is why we exist, the core values are those things that must characterize us, and these strategies are those practical items that gauge our faithfulness to our calling. This morning we will look at the idea of connection; the bond of relationship that goes beyond a…

The Strategy: Reach

We are so glad that you are here to worship with us. Just over a month ago, we began our series on the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of the church. While it can be difficult to piece all of these things together, understanding them will help us have a clearer idea of who we are as a church and why the Lord has placed us here. If our mission is one of calling all…

The Essentials: Outreach

We have been working through the mission of our church, and the priorities that must be in place if we are going to carry out that mission. If we say that we are calling all people to receive, demonstrate, and declare God’s transforming grace through Jesus Christ, then we have to have a biblical understanding of what that will look like. We have worked through the…