Sermons from June 2020

Sermons from June 2020

Called to Worship

This week we will have the privilege of hearing from one of our elders: Walter Lopatka. We have been looking at the Lord’s Prayer, but this week our attention will move to the book of Hebrews. We were created for the purpose of worship and fellowship with God. But why does that call matter and what motivates us to carry out that great purpose? What did the people of…

The Disciple’s Prayer

Thank you for joining us for worship here at Chapel City Church! Whether you are able to be with us in person or at home, whether you are a member or a guest, we are glad that you are with us this week. Last week we opened up the first three petitions from the Lord’s Prayer. All three were expressions of longing for the glory of God to be displayed and marveled at.…

The Disciple’s Prayer

Welcome back to Chapel City Church! Whether you are able to join us in person or online, we are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We rejoice with those of you that we have seen, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming many more of you in the coming weeks. If you would like to join us in person, please let us know by sending an email to…

Real Righteousness: Prayer

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thrilled to be able to begin thinking through what it looks like for us to be able to gather again in person on Sunday mornings. We recognize that it will be a long road to get back to “normal,” but we know that the Lord directs and oversees every step of the process. We hope that whether you worship with us in…