Sermons on Witness
The Disciple’s Directive
We know that the format has changed, but we also know that the power of God, the authority of His word, and the blessing of being a part of the body of Christ remains unchanged! This week we will work through the familiar words of Matthew 5 that call disciples of Christ to be salt and light. In a world that is perishing in darkness, kingdom citizens are to be altogether…
The Mission of the Church: Why Are We Here?
We are moving into the fall, and with the new school year comes a new year of ministry as well! But we have to ask ourselves why we do the things that we do. As a church, are we able to identify not only why we have certain ministries, but are we able to identify why it is we exist in the first place? This week we will begin a sermon series that seeks to answer that…
The Call to Prayer & Proclaim
As we move into the last chapter of Colossians, we are going to see Paul revisit a topic that he brought up earlier in the letter. In Colossians 1, Paul told the believers in Colossae that he was praying for them, and that his highest hopes were for their spiritual growth. Now, as he closes the letter, he will ask for their prayers on his behalf. As we read his request,…
Transformed from Dread to Joy
(Please click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Last week, Patrick taught us about the miracle of water to wine. Seeing wine created at a wedding is exciting, but we don’t spend most of our lives at celebrations. We live in a world that drags us down with daily cares. That’s why today’s message is so important. The father has the same cares that…
From Darkness to Light
(Please click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Today Pastor Patrick will kick off the Transformed series by diving into the book of John. He will unpack for us what it means to move from darkness to light. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned… Isaiah 9:2