Sermons from January 2019

Sermons from January 2019

A Picture of Faithful Ministry

As we come to the conclusion of the first chapter of Colossians, we are going to see a broad overview of what gospel ministry looks like. Now, our conclusion might be that Paul was called to ministry, but there isn’t much in the way of personal application from a passage like this. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Paul expects and anticipates that all…

All the Fullness of God

We are moving through the book of Colossians, and we have titled our study “Living in Light of the Glory of Christ.” Paul writes to the church in Colossae because they have been exposed to a dangerous false teaching. People have come to them with a message that sounds spiritual, that is packaged as Christianity, but that has departed from the true message of the…

Praying for God’s People

As we move into the book of Colossians, we are going to be brought face to face with the glory of Jesus Christ. Paul writes to a church that was being bombarded by worldly philosophy and man-made religion. And into the spiritual confusion he shines a brilliant light on the person and work of Jesus Christ and the nature of the gospel. It would have been a comforting and…

Living in the Light of the Glory of Christ

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) As we come into a new year, we come into a season of new things. We have new goals, new resolutions, new habits that we hope to start that will bring change in our lives. As a church, we are moving into a new series. We will be working through Paul’s letter to the Colossians in the coming months. The…