Sermons from 2018 (Page 3)

Sermons from 2018 (Page 3)

Surviving By Serving

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon.) When we are besieged by persecution, pain, depression or loss, the last thing we want to do is think about someone else. We self-focus and think only of the threat that faces us. Yet there is a better way; our walk with God! We can choose to focus on the gift that God has placed in our hands, look…

That One Thing

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) We tend to over-complicate things. When we are struggling we don’t have time for complex answers; we’re already confused. Sunday we’ll see a principle that will change a life under pressure from worry and intimidation under pressure to anticipation and joy. But even if you should suffer…

Surviving in Community

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) Churches can lose their way, get mean-spirited, and create their own storm! It’s not supposed to be that way. Sunday we see how right thinking, right attitudes, and right hearts can turn a body of believers into a place of harmony and refuge. It becomes a place where we not only…

Surviving as Heaven’s Ambassadors

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) There is so much controversy in our society. People tend to get violent in speech and sometimes even in action when it comes politics. How are we to live? What should our attitude be? These are important themes as we strive to be God’s representatives in our world. We’ll be in…

The Hope We Need to Survive

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) When you’re struggling it’s easy to lose hope. We spiral down into despair and wonder if we can ever get out. Sunday we look at 1 Peter 1:13-21 and realize that hope is more than wishful thinking or an optimistic attitude; it is a new heart based on God-inspired realities. These are truths that must work…