Sermons from February 2020

Sermons from February 2020

The King’s Testing

As we come together to worship, we hope that you are encouraged in your walk and challenged to live a life of submission and obedience to Christ. This week, we will begin to open up Matthew chapter 4. The King has been presented and the Father has testified that this is the beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Now, it is time for the King to be tested. Jesus is led…

Presenting the King

We are so glad that you are here to worship with us today. We are working through the Gospel of Matthew, and we have already been introduced to some very important themes and ideas. Jesus is presented as the promised son of Abraham who will bless the nations. He is shown to be the son of David, the coming King of Kings. He is Immanuel, God with us, worthy of worship. As…

Preparing the Way for the King

For the last few weeks, we have worked through the first two chapters of Matthew’s gospel where we are introduced to who Jesus is. He is the promised son of Abraham and David. He is the Son of God, the one who will save his people from their sins. And he is Immanuel, God with us. We have seen the initial reactions to those claims in the worship of the wise men and…