Sermons from October 2021

Sermons from October 2021

Righteousness Revealed in the Gospel

Happy Reformation Day!  October 31 is a day to commemorate the mighty work of God where the light of the true gospel burst forth into the darkness of the medieval Europe.  Hundreds of years of man-made beliefs, traditions, and ceremonies obscured the plain teaching of the Bible, resulting in a corrupt church and fearful people, having no hope and…

The King’s Design for Marriage: Part 4

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. This week we will conclude our look at the King’s Design for Marriage from Matthew 19. The disciples have heard the challenge of the Pharisees and the answers that Jesus has given. Their understanding is that marriage is a critical relationship that’s not to be taken lightly, and that…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 3

Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we work through Matthew 19, we are thinking through the King’s design for marriage. The Pharisees challenge Jesus with regard to divorce, but he directs their attention back to a right understanding of marriage. From the beginning, God has designed marriage to be a lifelong covenant between one man and…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 2

As we come together on Sunday mornings, we understand that our worship isn’t something that’s limited to one day of the week. When we are thinking rightly, we know that we are called to worship in everything that we do. That means that we are able to worship through our work, through our conversations, and through our marriages. Last week we opened up…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 1

As we open up God’s word together, we will be moving into Matthew 19. Jesus is going to be challenged by the Pharisees with a question about divorce. Knowing the Pharisees, we can understand that they weren’t looking for truth, but for a way to trap Jesus. However, Jesus answers their question in a way that helps us see God’s design for marriage.…