Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

The Once & Future King

As we move through the summer, we will encounter several different kinds of Psalms. We began with Psalm 1, which is a wisdom Psalm. Last week, we studied Psalm 2 which is a messianic Psalm. These Psalms have meaning and context in the time that they were written, but they ultimately point to Jesus Christ for their fulfillment. This week we will look at another messianic…

The Lord & His Anointed

In his introduction to the series on the psalms several weeks ago, Pastor Matt reminded us that the theme of all the psalms is Jesus Christ himself. But beyond this general theme, some psalms provide us with specific prophecies about the coming Messiah. We know they are about Messiah because either Jesus quotes them about himself or other New Testament writers quote them…

Who is God & What is Man?

When we studied Psalm 19, we were confronted with the fact that God has revealed to us what He is like. His creation speaks to His power and glory, and His word reveals His character, His ways, and His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. This week, we are going to work through Psalm 8. When we understand God, even in the limited way that our finite minds can…

The Testimony of God

We hope that as you worship with us you are encouraged in your faith, challenged in your walk, and ministered to by the Body of Christ. As we continue our summer series on the Psalms, we are going to be looking at another “wisdom” Psalm. Psalm 19 is famous for its content as well as for its beauty. And that is such an appropriate thing since it highlights the wonder…

Which Way?

We have come to the end of another school year, and we have come to the end of our study in the Book of Colossians. For the next few months, we will be working through the Psalms on Sunday mornings. As we study the praise songs of God’s people, we are going to be reminded of why they are so relevant, instructive, and comforting even today. The Psalms remind us that…

Great is the Lord

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Today, our service will look a little bit different than normal, but for very good reason. Churches go through seasons of change. Over the past year, this body has seen the retirement of Pastor Jim who was a faithful shepherd for over 30 years. We have said goodbye to Pastor Patrick as he and his family…

Trusting God in Tough Times

(Click “Save” to download the audio of the sermon and the sermon notes.) VIDEO of this week’s sermon can be found here. This is a special and much anticipated Sunday. Today, we will have Pastoral Candidate Matthew Round speaking to us about trusting God in the tough times. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will…
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