Sermons on Sovereignty
Strangers & Sojourners, part 2
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We hope that as you worship with us today you will be strengthened in your faith and blessed by the believers that you gather together with. If you have a question about the church, about the sermon, or about a particular ministry, we would love to hear from you. If there’s a way that we can be praying for your…
The Lord Remembers: Prophetic Pictures, part 2
Welcome to Chapel City Church. Today we are going to work through the next two visions given to the prophet Zechariah. God is revealing his plan for his people and the nations. But if those plans involve the physical restoration and exultation of God’s people, then what must happen first? How…
Where Will You Hide?
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us today for our time of worship. As we open God’s word together, we are coming to a turning point in the minor prophets. Today we will begin the book of Zephaniah, one of the least familiar books in our Old Testament. But Zephaniah represents a turning point in Israel’s history. Each of the…
Sovereign Grace: The Unanswered Question
Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church! As we come to the end of the Book of Jonah, we are confronted once again with Jonah’s rebellion against God. When he was in the belly of the great fish, he called out to God for deliverance and salvation. He trusted that God was both willing and able to save him from his dire…
Stories of the Sovereignty of God
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you are here! Today, we will take a break from studying Hosea and reflect on some of the stories of God’s sovereignty. God’s sovereignty is one of the four main themes we see throughout the minor…
The Book in a Chapter
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have joined us today, and we would like to know how we can be praying for you. Please reach out to us either in person or on your connection card and let us know how we can come alongside you. This morning we will open up the first book in the minor prophets- Hosea. In chapter 1 of Hosea, we…
A Faithful God & A Faithless People
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for our time of corporate worship this morning, and we would love to know how we can be praying for you. If there is a specific need that you have, or a question that we can answer, please let us know. As we begin a new year, we are also going to begin a new series together. We know…
Oppressed, Afflicted, & Silent
As we move through Matthew 26, we have come to the first of Jesus’ trials. From an earthly perspective, nothing seems to be right with this situation. It’s a trial in the wrong place at the wrong time, and carried out in the wrong way. Rather than truth, we see injustice after injustice. But Christ remains in control. He is not bullied or intimidated. He is not afraid…
Into the Hands of Sinner
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us. This week, we say goodbye to our middle and high school students as they leave for summer camp. This is a great reminder to be in prayer for them. Pray that the time away would allow them to focus on their relationship with the Lord. Pray that those who do not know Christ…
Preparing for the Passover
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today, and we would love to know how we can be praying for you. If there is a need that we might be able to help meet, please let us know through the comment cards, or by reaching out directly to the church office. As we move into Matthew 26, we are only two days away from the…
The Identity of the King
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. As we work through the Gospel of Matthew, one of the key questions has been, “who is Jesus?” Matthew told us from the very beginning that he was the Christ, the son of Abraham, and the Son of David. The angel announced to Joseph that he would be conceived of the Holy…
The Disciple & Anxiety, part 2
We are excited to have the opportunity to begin to meet together once again in some capacity! We recognize that attending in person is still not possible for many, and we want you to know that we are praying for you and that our desire is to continue to minister to you during this time. The last 4 months have provided a host of unknowns. Regulations change, plans change,…
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