Sermons on Promise (Page 2)

Sermons on Promise (Page 2)

The Time of Tribulation

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship together here at Chapel City Church. We are glad that you are with us and want to know how we can be praying for you and ministering to you. As we continue through Matthew 24 and the Olivet Discourse, we are going to come to the first specific answer that Jesus gives his disciples. They ask when things will happen, and what…

The Promise of Persecution

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We have been working through the gospel of Matthew, and this week we will jump back into Matthew 24. Jesus has cleansed the temple and silenced the religious leaders. He has mourned over Jerusalem for her failure to recognize the promised messiah. And at the beginning of Chapter 24 he…

Weary, Waiting, & Worshipping

This is the time of year when we celebrate the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It was a time of longing and expectation. After centuries of waiting, it seemed as though the deliverer had finally come to Jerusalem! But it wasn’t the kind of deliverer that the people expected. And by the end of the week the shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David” gave way to…

The Church

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thankful that you have joined us for our time of worship today. This is a week where many of us have gathered together with family and friends to remember how much we have to be grateful for. We remember that our greatest gift is salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ. But one of the wonderful blessings that comes with…

When Faith Fails

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. So far in Matthew 17 we have gone up and down the mountain with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. They have seen the glory of Christ revealed as Jesus was transfigured and the voice from heaven proclaimed that he was the Beloved Son. Last week we saw the disciples struggle to put together the…

Down the Mountain

Welcome to our time of worship together here at Chapel City Church! Last week we witnessed one of the most dramatic scenes in Matthew’s gospel account as Jesus was transfigured before three of his disciples. They saw the King of Kings in his glory and splendor; a foretaste of what the coming kingdom will look like. But does that experience clear up all of their…

The Prophets Have Spoken

Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship together! Jesus has prepared and sent out his disciples for their first foray into kingdom ministry. They go with his power and his message, but they have been warned that they will also share in his rejection. As they go, Jesus will continue with his own mission of teaching and preaching in the cities of Galilee. As we…

Heaven is More Than a Wonderful Place

Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church, whether you are able to worship here in person or take the opportunity to watch at home. You are an important part of our body, even if you aren’t able to return yet to worship with us physically. We are in the middle of a series about the Gospel of Matthew. The theme of that gospel is the Kingdom of God. We are…

The King Comes into His City

As we come into our “new normal,” this week we are confronted with celebrating very traditional times in a very non-traditional way. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, although we cannot physically be together. We will remember Palm Sunday and the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, but we cannot be together to sing His praise. Perhaps this will give us…

Preparing the Way for the King

For the last few weeks, we have worked through the first two chapters of Matthew’s gospel where we are introduced to who Jesus is. He is the promised son of Abraham and David. He is the Son of God, the one who will save his people from their sins. And he is Immanuel, God with us. We have seen the initial reactions to those claims in the worship of the wise men and…

The King & His Kingdom

We hope that your Christmas was a wonderful time of worship and reflection as we remember the faithfulness of God in sending a savior into the world. As we come into the new year, we are beginning our journey through a new book: The Gospel of Matthew. The word gospel means good news, and this is Matthew’s presentation of the good news of the person and work of Jesus…

Prepare Him Room: HOPE

Ready or not, Christmas is coming quickly. Sadly, most of the time we come into the season less ready than we should. We know the story, we know the songs, and we even know that the crazy isn’t what it’s all about. But we still struggle to really prepare our hearts for the celebration that Christmas ought to be. Perhaps that’s where you find yourself…