Sermons from September 2019

Sermons from September 2019

The Essentials: Generosity

As we move into the Fall season, we have begun to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. It can be difficult to connect those things and to understand why they matter. Essentially, our mission tells us why we are here, our core values tell us what is important to us, and our strategies show us how to move forward. This week we will look at…

The Essentials: Relationship

Last week we began to work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of Chapel City Church. When Jesus Christ called and saved His church, He left her with a mission to work at until His return. We are a people who are called to make disciples, but we have to understand what that looks like. In our mission statement, we are reminded that we are to be a people who…

The Mission of the Church: Why Are We Here?

We are moving into the fall, and with the new school year comes a new year of ministry as well! But we have to ask ourselves why we do the things that we do. As a church, are we able to identify not only why we have certain ministries, but are we able to identify why it is we exist in the first place? This week we will begin a sermon series that seeks to answer that…

A Repetition of Rejoicing

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We use that word, worship, a lot. It means to assign value to something, to treat it as worthy of honor and praise. And that’s so appropriate as we consider who God is and what He has done. But if we are honest, there are times when thanksgiving is hard to come by. This week we will work through Psalm 136.…

A Song for the Sheep

It’s a wonderful thing to gather with God’s people to worship together through singing, study, and ministering to one another. There is something wonderful and familiar in coming together regularly in corporate worship. In fact, familiar things are often what bring us comfort, and the same can be said for biblical passages as well. One of the most familiar is…