Sermon Archive (Page 11)

Sermon Archive (Page 11)

The King’s Condemnation

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thankful that you have come to worship with us today. We want to know how we can be in prayer for you, or if there are needs in your life or the lives of those you know that we might help meet. Please reach out to us and let us know how we can come alongside you. This week we will finish Matthew 21. The religious…

Questioning the King’s Authority

Good morning and welcome to our time of worship together here at Chapel City Church. We are so thankful that you have joined us today. If there is a way that we can be praying for you, or if there is a need that we might help meet, please reach out and let us know. As we continue through the passion week narrative in Matthew’s gospel, we are faced with the…

The Week That Changed Human History

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are moving through what is known as the passion week, the final week of Christ’s ministry before going to the cross. If we were to read through each of the gospel accounts, we would find that the writers dedicate a huge percentage of their narratives to this single week. We know that the death, burial and…

The House of the King

Good morning and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We gather together for worship, but how do we determine what that is or what it looks like? In some respects, worship is defined very clearly in God’s word. When his people gather, they sing, they pray, they study the scriptures, and they celebrate things like communion and baptism. But…

Why Are We Here? The Mission of the Church

Happy New Year, and welcome to Chapel City Church. Our prayer is that you had a wonderful Christmas holiday that allowed you to rest and remember God’s faithfulness to his promises. The New Year is a time for reflecting on the year that was, and planning for the year to come. Many of us will make resolutions about what we will eat, where we will go, or how active we…

Anticipating the King

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. Christmas is in the rearview mirror, and that brings out all kinds of responses. Some people are relieved that the hurry and the stress are behind them. Some will keep the Christmas carols going and the lights up for as long as possible. And some people wonder what they…

He Who is Mighty

Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! Tonight, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But this is so much more than the story of an overlooked baby born into obscurity. It’s more than angels and shepherds, more than wisemen and their gifts. This is when we remember the fact that the God of all creation sent his son into the world. The infinite and…

The King has Come

Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! This time of year is filled with reminders of what God has done. More than carols and comfort, more than family and tradition, we are reminded that the exalted Son of God took on flesh to redeem sinners. The greatest became the least, and in the most humble circumstances the Christ came into his creation. But…

A Light in the Darkness

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We come together to worship the Lord, and Matthew’s gospel has helped us understand who Jesus is in a powerful way. As we move toward Christmas on the calendar, we are moving closer to the cross in Matthew. The final verses of Matthew 20 have Jesus leaving Jericho, and into the most familiar scene a most…

When Worldviews Collide

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us today for our time of worship. As we continue working through Matthew 20, we are going to be confronted with two very different worldviews. We know that as disciples of Christ, we are supposed to think and react differently than others. However, many times our thinking looks a lot like the world around…

The Church

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thankful that you have joined us for our time of worship today. This is a week where many of us have gathered together with family and friends to remember how much we have to be grateful for. We remember that our greatest gift is salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ. But one of the wonderful blessings that comes with…

Kingdom Reward

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We hope that you will reach out with any questions that you might have, or let us know how we can be ministering to you during this time. As we come to the end of Matthew 19, Peter asks a question that might seem inappropriate. “Lord, what is there for us?” He had just seen a rich young man refuse to…