Sermons on Matthew (Page 4)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 4)

Kingdom Reward

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We hope that you will reach out with any questions that you might have, or let us know how we can be ministering to you during this time. As we come to the end of Matthew 19, Peter asks a question that might seem inappropriate. “Lord, what is there for us?” He had just seen a rich young man refuse to…

Coming into the Kingdom

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship this morning. We are moving back into Matthew 19 where the focus turns to the coming kingdom. Jesus has preached about the kingdom that is to come, and the need for repentance. The people have expectations for what that kingdom will look like, and who will enter into it. But who…

The King’s Design for Marriage: Part 4

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. This week we will conclude our look at the King’s Design for Marriage from Matthew 19. The disciples have heard the challenge of the Pharisees and the answers that Jesus has given. Their understanding is that marriage is a critical relationship that’s not to be taken lightly, and that…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 3

Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we work through Matthew 19, we are thinking through the King’s design for marriage. The Pharisees challenge Jesus with regard to divorce, but he directs their attention back to a right understanding of marriage. From the beginning, God has designed marriage to be a lifelong covenant between one man and…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 2

As we come together on Sunday mornings, we understand that our worship isn’t something that’s limited to one day of the week. When we are thinking rightly, we know that we are called to worship in everything that we do. That means that we are able to worship through our work, through our conversations, and through our marriages. Last week we opened up…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 1

As we open up God’s word together, we will be moving into Matthew 19. Jesus is going to be challenged by the Pharisees with a question about divorce. Knowing the Pharisees, we can understand that they weren’t looking for truth, but for a way to trap Jesus. However, Jesus answers their question in a way that helps us see God’s design for marriage.…

Debts & Debtors

Welcome to Chapel City Church! Thank you for joining us as we gather together to worship Jesus Christ, our savior and king. As we have worked through Mathew 18, we have seen disciples compared to children and to sheep. Both of those ought to lead us to live lives of consistent humility. And over the last couple of weeks, we looked at how necessary that humility was as we…

The Heart Behind the Hard Things

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship together today. Last week we looked at a passage that was easy to understand but very difficult to apply. Discipline is not something that we normally think of as encouraging and uplifting. However, we have to remember that discipline is both instructive and corrective. In…

A Love for the Little Ones

We are so glad that you are joining us on this very special Sunday. As we continue working through Matthew 18, we come to a very familiar parable of a man who leaves 99 sheep in order to seek out the 1 that was lost. But this is more than a sweet story. This is a powerful reminder of the love of God for his “little ones.” How does understanding this parable…

Kingdom Greatness

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We live in a world that pursues greatness at any cost. Whether it’s the desire to be great in business, great in politics, or great in sports, the draw is always there. As we move into Matthew 18, the disciples ask Jesus what it will mean to be great in the coming kingdom. His answer is not what they were expecting!…

The Identity of the King

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. As we work through the Gospel of Matthew, one of the key questions has been, “who is Jesus?” Matthew told us from the very beginning that he was the Christ, the son of Abraham, and the Son of David. The angel announced to Joseph that he would be conceived of the Holy…

When Faith Fails

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. So far in Matthew 17 we have gone up and down the mountain with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. They have seen the glory of Christ revealed as Jesus was transfigured and the voice from heaven proclaimed that he was the Beloved Son. Last week we saw the disciples struggle to put together the…