Sermons on Faithfulness (Page 3)

Sermons on Faithfulness (Page 3)

Our Faithful Father

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you are with us today. Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, we have been consistently reminded of two things: The first is the unfailing nature and character of God, and the second is the high calling placed on the life of the kingdom citizen and disciple of Christ. Last week we worked through a…

The Disciple & Anxiety, part 2

We are excited to have the opportunity to begin to meet together once again in some capacity! We recognize that attending in person is still not possible for many, and we want you to know that we are praying for you and that our desire is to continue to minister to you during this time. The last 4 months have provided a host of unknowns. Regulations change, plans change,…

The Disciple & Anxiety, part 1

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we study the Word of God, we are constantly reminded that His ways are not our ways. And because His word is true, authoritative, and unchanging, it is able to provide wisdom and comfort even during the most trying times. As we approach the end of Matthew 6, we are given the teaching of Jesus…

Real Righteousness: Part 3 FASTING

Over the course of the last month, we have opened up Matthew 6 and heard Jesus teach about what real righteousness looks like. There is a way to do the right things in the wrong way. A way to appear righteous, but have your heart be mired in disobedience. And so Jesus addresses three specific actions: giving, praying, and fasting. He warns his disciples not to do these…

Living as Lights, Part 3

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we are so thankful that you continue to participate in our live stream services, prayer times, youth gatherings, and the countless other ways that fellowship still takes place when we are physically separated. This week we will move back into Matthew 5 and continue to look at…

The Line of the King

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We are just getting underway in our study of the Gospel of Matthew. Last week we went through some introductory material, and we looked at the first group of names in Matthew’s genealogy. We saw that Jesus Christ was the promised son of David, a promise that looked for a king who would rule and reign as no…

The King & His Kingdom

We hope that your Christmas was a wonderful time of worship and reflection as we remember the faithfulness of God in sending a savior into the world. As we come into the new year, we are beginning our journey through a new book: The Gospel of Matthew. The word gospel means good news, and this is Matthew’s presentation of the good news of the person and work of Jesus…

Great is the Lord

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Today, our service will look a little bit different than normal, but for very good reason. Churches go through seasons of change. Over the past year, this body has seen the retirement of Pastor Jim who was a faithful shepherd for over 30 years. We have said goodbye to Pastor Patrick as he and his family…

The Son of Promise

(Click “SAVE” above to download sermon and notes.)   The signs of Christmas are beginning to appear. The streets are decorated, the church is dressed for the season, and even the weather is (slightly) cooler. All of these things come together and start to give us a sense of expectation. The anticipation of Christmas is one of the most wonderful parts of…

Trusting God in Tough Times

(Click “Save” to download the audio of the sermon and the sermon notes.) VIDEO of this week’s sermon can be found here. This is a special and much anticipated Sunday. Today, we will have Pastoral Candidate Matthew Round speaking to us about trusting God in the tough times. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will…

Today’s Reminders

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) God is the God of our yesterdays, and he allows the memory of them to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual growth for our future. God reminds us of his unfailing faithfulness in our past to protect us from shallow security in the present. Join us Sunday as we see how God’s work…