Sermons on Obedience (Page 4)

Sermons on Obedience (Page 4)

The Lord of the Sabbath

. Last week we saw the call of Christ to come to him for our rest. That understanding will be critical as we move into chapter 12 together. Jesus and the disciples are confronted by the Pharisees who challenge their Sabbath behavior. But what did the Sabbath demand and what was its purpose? We live in a culture that does not value rest. It is evident in how we approach…

The King’s Call

We are so glad that you have come to worship with us today. We have been working our way through chapters 8 and 9 in Matthew’s gospel, and we have seen that they focus heavily on the authority of Jesus Christ. He teaches with authority, he heals with authority, he casts out demons with authority, and he even has the authority to forgive sins. All of this…

The Demands of Discipleship

Welcome to October Chapel City Church! What a year this has been for all of us. As you move into a new month, please let us know how we can be praying for you or ministering to you. We understand that with constant uncertainty can come additional burdens, be they financial, emotional, or spiritual. We would love the opportunity to pray with you and for you, and to…

The King’s Power

For the last several months we have been working through the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. It was a prime example of the authority of Jesus Christ demonstrated in His teaching about the coming kingdom. As we move into chapters 8 and 9, we are going to look at the authority of Christ as it relates to creation itself. We will see his authority over the physical…

The Sermon in a Sentence

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! At this point in the year, we are usually looking forward to the start of school, the return of sports, and various ministries kicking off. This year, our lives and calendars will look very different. We know that this is an adventure for some and a significant struggle for others. No matter where you fall on…

Real Righteousness: Part 3 FASTING

Over the course of the last month, we have opened up Matthew 6 and heard Jesus teach about what real righteousness looks like. There is a way to do the right things in the wrong way. A way to appear righteous, but have your heart be mired in disobedience. And so Jesus addresses three specific actions: giving, praying, and fasting. He warns his disciples not to do these…

The Disciple’s Prayer

Welcome back to Chapel City Church! Whether you are able to join us in person or online, we are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We rejoice with those of you that we have seen, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming many more of you in the coming weeks. If you would like to join us in person, please let us know by sending an email to…

Real Righteousness: Prayer

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thrilled to be able to begin thinking through what it looks like for us to be able to gather again in person on Sunday mornings. We recognize that it will be a long road to get back to “normal,” but we know that the Lord directs and oversees every step of the process. We hope that whether you worship with us in…

Real Righteousness, part 1

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we know that God has designed this time for His glory and for our good. We would love to know how we can come alongside you during this period of isolation so that we can pray for you, encourage you, or help to meet a need that you might have. As we come to our time together in…