Sermons from 2022

Sermons from 2022

Responding to the Greatest Gift

Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by gathering together to remember the greatest gift ever given. Jesus Christ came to redeem and save his people. He has promised that he is coming again to gather his people and reign over his creation. We live in anticipation of this second advent. This…

Anticipating the Advent: The Gift of Love

Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church! As we draw closer to Christmas, the anticipation is building. Some are anticipating time with family and friends, some giving and receiving gifts, and some are waiting expectantly for a break from work or school. As Christians, we know that we are not only waiting to celebrate the first…

Anticipating the Advent: Peace

Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship together here at Chapel City Church. As we light the second advent candle, we are reminded of the theme of peace. We live in a world of conflict. We see it between nations, we see it in the workplace, we see it in our homes, and we find it in our own hearts. The reality is that sin breaks peace. But the strife between…