Sermons on Salvation (Page 3)

Sermons on Salvation (Page 3)

Destroying the Darkness

We pray that God is growing and refining you during this time of transition and uncertainty in our nation and the world at large. One of the great encouragements for God’s people is to understand who it is that we worship. We serve a God who is just and merciful, who is holy and perfectly faithful. We understand that God’s authority extends to every…

Two Paths, One Way: Part 3 – Two Claims

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so thankful that you are worshipping with us today. We continue to work our way through the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus has issued a call for action in response to the Kingdom truth that has been presented- Enter through the narrow gate! As he brings his teaching to a close, he presents four closing contrasts. There…

Two Roads, One Way: Part 1

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you are worshipping with us today whether in person or online. For the last several months we have been working our way through the Sermon on the Mount. It’s a passage of scripture with portions that are familiar to believers and unbelievers alike. In fact, many who are not disciples of Christ still appreciate and…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…Part 3

We are glad that you are worshipping with us, perhaps in a very different format than we are used to. This week will be the final sermon that deals with the beatitudes at the beginning of Matthew 5. As he opens up the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives certain attitudes and actions that are pronounced “blessed” by God. While they might not fit into our…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 2

We are glad that you are with us! Last week we began to look at the Sermon on the Mount- the first and longest teaching section in the Gospel of Matthew. We were introduced to the idea that the means of blessing in the Kingdom of Heaven will look very different than what our society understands as normal. As we continue through the beatitudes, we will come to three more…

The Birth of the King

As we move through Matthew’s gospel, we have come to the birth of Jesus. We might be a little late, but we get to celebrate Christmas in January! But what is it that makes this birth so different, so special? Why did Jesus have to come the way that He did, and how does it help us understand who He is? This week we will understand why all of those names at the…

The King & His Kingdom

We hope that your Christmas was a wonderful time of worship and reflection as we remember the faithfulness of God in sending a savior into the world. As we come into the new year, we are beginning our journey through a new book: The Gospel of Matthew. The word gospel means good news, and this is Matthew’s presentation of the good news of the person and work of Jesus…

Prepare Him Room: Joy

As we continue to “Prepare Him Room” during this advent season, this week we look at the joy that comes in the promise of a savior. As we have done the last couple of weeks, we will take a promise made in the Old Testament and understand how it relates to the Christmas season. When Isaiah speaks of hope, peace, and joy, he does so in a specific context. It’s…

Prepare Him Room: Peace

We are moving through our Advent series called “Prepare Him Room.” Last week we lit the candle of hope and remembered the hope that comes from the faithfulness of God. He promised a redeemer and king over His people, and that promise finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. This week, we light the candle of peace. We live in a time where peace is a hard thing to come…

Prepare Him Room: HOPE

Ready or not, Christmas is coming quickly. Sadly, most of the time we come into the season less ready than we should. We know the story, we know the songs, and we even know that the crazy isn’t what it’s all about. But we still struggle to really prepare our hearts for the celebration that Christmas ought to be. Perhaps that’s where you find yourself…

The Strategy: Grow

This week, we are continuing to look at our “strategies;” those things that help us practically evaluate whether we are being faithful to our calling. This Sunday we will look at growth in the Christian life. We are being faithful when we foster an environment that leads to lives transformed by God through increasing love, knowledge, and obedience to His word. But…