Sermons by Matt Round (Page 20)

Sermons by Matt Round (Page 20)

Family for the Glory of God, Part 3: CHILDREN

This Sunday is a special one for our church family. Our youth group is taking an active part in serving and leading our congregation in worship. These young men and women meet on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings through the year, and they are excited to be an integral part of this body. We would encourage you to thank them, pray for them, and get to know them. And it…

Family for the Glory of God, Part 2: HUSBANDS

Our highest goal here is to worship God in all that we do. When we understand who He is, when we understand who we are, and when we understand what He has done, our only right response is to offer Him the worship that He deserves. And that worship isn’t limited to the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. Rather, it encompasses every area of our lives.  It will…

Family for the Glory of God, Part 1: WIVES

As we work through Colossians 3, we have seen a number of ways that believers are called to live in light of their faith in Christ. We are to be a people who are kind and compassionate, humble and patient, meek and forgiving. We are called to be loving and peaceful in the midst of a world that is anything but loving and peaceful. This kind of change is only possible…

Character Traits of the Family of God, Part 2

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. The foundation for the book of Colossians has been the truth of the person and work of Jesus Christ. We have to recognize His preeminent place in all of creation so that we respond rightly in worship. We have to understand that His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave are the only means of being in…

Character Traits of the Family of God

We are working through a wonderful and convicting portion of Paul’s letter to the Colossian church. Last week we saw the call to put sin to death in our lives. It is the clear and unequivocal call in the life of a believer to see their sin the way that God sees it. And that battle is one that we will fight until either the Lord returns or we are joined with Him in…

Putting Our Sin to Death

There is good news and bad news this week. The good news is that the passage that we are studying is fairly easy to understand. The language is clear, the words are recognizable, and the flow of thought is very consistent. The bad news is that there is no mistaking what this passage says about sin, and about our involvement in that sin. This week, we look at “Putting Sin…

Putting Our Theology into Practice

What does it mean to worship, and what are the ways that we are called to worship? Perhaps most of us hear the word and immediately think of the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. And that certainly is one aspect of our worship. But really, to worship is to recognize the honor, merit, or value of something. When we worship, we recognize and respond to the greatness…

The Folly of Man-Made Religion: Part 2

We are moving through the heart of the book of Colossians. The foundation has been laid, and Paul has made it clear that in Jesus Christ believers have everything that they need. Now, as we move through chapter 2, he begins to address the dangerous false teaching that was creeping into the church in Colossae. What are some of the characteristics of that false teaching?…

A Pastor’s Burden for His People

As we move into the second chapter of Colossians, Paul’s focus doesn’t seem to change much from what we learned about last week. He has talked about his ministry to the church, and what some essential characteristics of that ministry are. This week, we will look at the first 7 verses of chapter 2 and hear what Paul’s ministry works towards. If last week…

A Picture of Faithful Ministry

As we come to the conclusion of the first chapter of Colossians, we are going to see a broad overview of what gospel ministry looks like. Now, our conclusion might be that Paul was called to ministry, but there isn’t much in the way of personal application from a passage like this. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Paul expects and anticipates that all…

All the Fullness of God

We are moving through the book of Colossians, and we have titled our study “Living in Light of the Glory of Christ.” Paul writes to the church in Colossae because they have been exposed to a dangerous false teaching. People have come to them with a message that sounds spiritual, that is packaged as Christianity, but that has departed from the true message of the…

Praying for God’s People

As we move into the book of Colossians, we are going to be brought face to face with the glory of Jesus Christ. Paul writes to a church that was being bombarded by worldly philosophy and man-made religion. And into the spiritual confusion he shines a brilliant light on the person and work of Jesus Christ and the nature of the gospel. It would have been a comforting and…