Sermons on Mercy (Page 2)

Sermons on Mercy (Page 2)

The Merciful Messiah

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship. We are glad that you are here, either in person or online. We also want to know how we can be praying for you or ministering to you if there is a need. Please reach out and let us know! Over the last two weeks we have seen Jesus offer rest to those who are burdened and weary. The Pharisees accuse the disciples of…

Living as Lights, Part 3

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we are so thankful that you continue to participate in our live stream services, prayer times, youth gatherings, and the countless other ways that fellowship still takes place when we are physically separated. This week we will move back into Matthew 5 and continue to look at…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…Part 3

We are glad that you are worshipping with us, perhaps in a very different format than we are used to. This week will be the final sermon that deals with the beatitudes at the beginning of Matthew 5. As he opens up the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives certain attitudes and actions that are pronounced “blessed” by God. While they might not fit into our…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 2

We are glad that you are with us! Last week we began to look at the Sermon on the Mount- the first and longest teaching section in the Gospel of Matthew. We were introduced to the idea that the means of blessing in the Kingdom of Heaven will look very different than what our society understands as normal. As we continue through the beatitudes, we will come to three more…

The Line of the King

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We are just getting underway in our study of the Gospel of Matthew. Last week we went through some introductory material, and we looked at the first group of names in Matthew’s genealogy. We saw that Jesus Christ was the promised son of David, a promise that looked for a king who would rule and reign as no…

Confession is Good for the Soul

As we move through the book of Psalms, it is a blessing to see how God’s word ministers to us in every stage and situation of life. There are Psalms that give wisdom when we need understanding, Psalms that give us words of praise when our hearts are joyful, and Psalms that give voice to our cries of despair when life is difficult, dangerous, or downright unfair. The…

Dealing Daily with Difficulty

As we come together on this Fiesta week, we hope that you will be in prayer for our outreach to the community as we open our building, or that you will come and serve alongside of us as you are able. But why do we do these things? Why do we bother to interact with our neighbors, our co-workers, or our community at all? The reason, of course, is that we believe that they…

The Son of Adam

(Click “Save” above to download the sermon and notes.) During this Advent season, there is a great deal of anticipation. Some of that anticipation is the excitement and joy that surrounds this season. We look forward to friends, family, gifts, food, and so many wonderful things. Some of that anticipation comes closer to apprehension. The season might bring…

Catalyst of Faith

Everything in life requires an element of faith. From bungy jumping off a bridge to driving to work. It is either a lot or a little, but never absent. If we are going to thrive as God’s people, faith in an ever-increasing measure is essential. How do we increase our faith? What is the catalyst to greater faith? Knowing God. This week we get to know Rahab, an…