The King & His Kingdom (Page 9)

The King & His Kingdom (Page 9)

Real Righteousness, part 1

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we know that God has designed this time for His glory and for our good. We would love to know how we can come alongside you during this period of isolation so that we can pray for you, encourage you, or help to meet a need that you might have. As we come to our time together in…

Living as Lights, part 4

Welcome to Chapel City Church! Although we can’t gather together in person at this time, we know that God is still working in the lives of His people. The church has never been a place that we gather, but has always been the body of believers that Christ has called to Himself. That means that although the doors of the building are closed, the mission and ministry of…

Living as Lights, Part 3

Thank you for worshipping with us here at Chapel City Church! We miss seeing you in person, but we are so thankful that you continue to participate in our live stream services, prayer times, youth gatherings, and the countless other ways that fellowship still takes place when we are physically separated. This week we will move back into Matthew 5 and continue to look at…

Living as Lights, part 2

We are glad that you are worshipping with us and doing what you can to stay connected to the body of Christ during this time. If there is a way that we can help you to stay connected, please reach out and let us know! We are working through the Sermon on the Mount, and we have come to a number of statements where Jesus interacts with the Law. He takes what the people have…

Living as Lights

We are so glad that you are worshipping with us during these difficult times. Although we weren’t able to celebrate Easter in a way that seemed “normal,” our prayer is that you were encouraged to worship in light of what God has done to redeem us, and to anticipate not only our time of coming together again, but even more so to long for HIS coming! This week,…

The Disciple’s Directive

We know that the format has changed, but we also know that the power of God, the authority of His word, and the blessing of being a part of the body of Christ remains unchanged! This week we will work through the familiar words of Matthew 5 that call disciples of Christ to be salt and light. In a world that is perishing in darkness, kingdom citizens are to be altogether…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…Part 3

We are glad that you are worshipping with us, perhaps in a very different format than we are used to. This week will be the final sermon that deals with the beatitudes at the beginning of Matthew 5. As he opens up the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives certain attitudes and actions that are pronounced “blessed” by God. While they might not fit into our…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 2

We are glad that you are with us! Last week we began to look at the Sermon on the Mount- the first and longest teaching section in the Gospel of Matthew. We were introduced to the idea that the means of blessing in the Kingdom of Heaven will look very different than what our society understands as normal. As we continue through the beatitudes, we will come to three more…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 1

We are glad that you have come to worship with us this week. In our study of Matthew’s gospel, we have seen the presentation and testing of the King. Now, Jesus begins His public ministry that will involve two main components: teaching and healing. In the coming weeks we will work through the first and longest teaching section in the book of Matthew- The Sermon on…

The King’s Authority

As we move through Matthew chapter 4, we have seen Jesus as the tested King. Although He was tempted, he proved faithful in every way. Now, the King will begin His public ministry among the people. If Jesus is who Matthew claims Him to be, then we would expect that this ministry is carried out with a certain authority. What we find in our passage today is a demonstration…

The King’s Testing

As we come together to worship, we hope that you are encouraged in your walk and challenged to live a life of submission and obedience to Christ. This week, we will begin to open up Matthew chapter 4. The King has been presented and the Father has testified that this is the beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Now, it is time for the King to be tested. Jesus is led…

Presenting the King

We are so glad that you are here to worship with us today. We are working through the Gospel of Matthew, and we have already been introduced to some very important themes and ideas. Jesus is presented as the promised son of Abraham who will bless the nations. He is shown to be the son of David, the coming King of Kings. He is Immanuel, God with us, worthy of worship. As…