Sermons on Hope (Page 2)

Sermons on Hope (Page 2)

All for the Glory of Christ

Welcome to our time of worship together. As we come to the conclusion of what has been a tumultuous year to say the least, we might not  be completely sure of where to begin 2021. Do we anticipate more of the same? Are we cautiously optimistic that things will begin to return to normal? What does the word of God say about living with certainty in uncertain…

The Resplendent Light of Christmas

Have you ever setup your own nativity scene or one for someone else? As you know, in that scene, there are various pieces, from the lesser important (but still important) shepherds, sheep, angels, stable (which in all likelihood was a cave), animals, Mary, Joseph, to the most important Jesus. Now often times, while the scene is being setup, we are in a hurry to get…

Two Paths, One Way: Part 3 – Two Claims

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so thankful that you are worshipping with us today. We continue to work our way through the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus has issued a call for action in response to the Kingdom truth that has been presented- Enter through the narrow gate! As he brings his teaching to a close, he presents four closing contrasts. There…

Adoption & Our Identity in God

This week we will be taking a break from Matthew and instead shifting our focus to Romans 8:14-18. In these passages, we will have a chance to take a look at what our new identity looks like in Christ Jesus, specifically, how the Spirit leads and now gives us a new identity in God. In these trying times, it can be easy to forget who we are as we can easily be frustrated…

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 1

We are glad that you have come to worship with us this week. In our study of Matthew’s gospel, we have seen the presentation and testing of the King. Now, Jesus begins His public ministry that will involve two main components: teaching and healing. In the coming weeks we will work through the first and longest teaching section in the book of Matthew- The Sermon on…

Prepare Him Room: HOPE

Ready or not, Christmas is coming quickly. Sadly, most of the time we come into the season less ready than we should. We know the story, we know the songs, and we even know that the crazy isn’t what it’s all about. But we still struggle to really prepare our hearts for the celebration that Christmas ought to be. Perhaps that’s where you find yourself…

A Hopeful Hosanna

We are so glad that you are worshiping with us today. This week is a special time of preparation. As we look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Christ, it’s essential that we understand who and what we are celebrating. Roughly two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem in what we know as the triumphal entry. The crowds cheered Him, the…

Putting Our Theology into Practice

What does it mean to worship, and what are the ways that we are called to worship? Perhaps most of us hear the word and immediately think of the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. And that certainly is one aspect of our worship. But really, to worship is to recognize the honor, merit, or value of something. When we worship, we recognize and respond to the greatness…

All the Fullness of God

We are moving through the book of Colossians, and we have titled our study “Living in Light of the Glory of Christ.” Paul writes to the church in Colossae because they have been exposed to a dangerous false teaching. People have come to them with a message that sounds spiritual, that is packaged as Christianity, but that has departed from the true message of the…

Living in the Light of the Glory of Christ

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) As we come into a new year, we come into a season of new things. We have new goals, new resolutions, new habits that we hope to start that will bring change in our lives. As a church, we are moving into a new series. We will be working through Paul’s letter to the Colossians in the coming months. The…