Sermons on Matthew (Page 10)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 10)

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are…part 1

We are glad that you have come to worship with us this week. In our study of Matthew’s gospel, we have seen the presentation and testing of the King. Now, Jesus begins His public ministry that will involve two main components: teaching and healing. In the coming weeks we will work through the first and longest teaching section in the book of Matthew- The Sermon on…

The King’s Authority

As we move through Matthew chapter 4, we have seen Jesus as the tested King. Although He was tempted, he proved faithful in every way. Now, the King will begin His public ministry among the people. If Jesus is who Matthew claims Him to be, then we would expect that this ministry is carried out with a certain authority. What we find in our passage today is a demonstration…

The King’s Testing

As we come together to worship, we hope that you are encouraged in your walk and challenged to live a life of submission and obedience to Christ. This week, we will begin to open up Matthew chapter 4. The King has been presented and the Father has testified that this is the beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Now, it is time for the King to be tested. Jesus is led…

Presenting the King

We are so glad that you are here to worship with us today. We are working through the Gospel of Matthew, and we have already been introduced to some very important themes and ideas. Jesus is presented as the promised son of Abraham who will bless the nations. He is shown to be the son of David, the coming King of Kings. He is Immanuel, God with us, worthy of worship. As…

Preparing the Way for the King

For the last few weeks, we have worked through the first two chapters of Matthew’s gospel where we are introduced to who Jesus is. He is the promised son of Abraham and David. He is the Son of God, the one who will save his people from their sins. And he is Immanuel, God with us. We have seen the initial reactions to those claims in the worship of the wise men and…

The Birth of the King

As we move through Matthew’s gospel, we have come to the birth of Jesus. We might be a little late, but we get to celebrate Christmas in January! But what is it that makes this birth so different, so special? Why did Jesus have to come the way that He did, and how does it help us understand who He is? This week we will understand why all of those names at the…

The Line of the King

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We are just getting underway in our study of the Gospel of Matthew. Last week we went through some introductory material, and we looked at the first group of names in Matthew’s genealogy. We saw that Jesus Christ was the promised son of David, a promise that looked for a king who would rule and reign as no…

The King & His Kingdom

We hope that your Christmas was a wonderful time of worship and reflection as we remember the faithfulness of God in sending a savior into the world. As we come into the new year, we are beginning our journey through a new book: The Gospel of Matthew. The word gospel means good news, and this is Matthew’s presentation of the good news of the person and work of Jesus…

The Strategy: Reach

We are so glad that you are here to worship with us. Just over a month ago, we began our series on the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of the church. While it can be difficult to piece all of these things together, understanding them will help us have a clearer idea of who we are as a church and why the Lord has placed us here. If our mission is one of calling all…

The Essentials: Discipleship

We are in the middle of a series of messages that work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. Sometimes, the things that we do as a church seem disconnected. Our core values are the things that should tie all of them together. This week, we will look at the third of our core values: discipleship. If we judge by their actions, many church members…